When the time comes for a new roofing installation, homeowners frequently concern themselves more over the shingles they want to buy than they do over the roof contractors they hire to install them.
Truthfully, both are important, but one is definitely more important that the other.
Shingles – Performance and Warranty Importance
Homeowners choosing their shingles by brand and style typically do so because they find a shingle that they like based on its appearance or some other feature.
It is easy to decide that those shingles are the only option, but in reality, nearly all of the major shingle manufacturers offer comparable types of shingles that they simply call something different than the others.
According to experienced roofing contractors, what matters most when choosing shingles even more than the brand is the performance they are said to provide and the manufacturer’s warranty that comes with them.
Shingle Brand Really Isn't Important
Based on these two concepts alone - performance features and manufacturer’s warranties - the actual brand matters little.
As long as a shingle product from roofing contractors offer the desired features and an attractive warranty is chosen, homeowners will usually end up with the same appealing roof, sometimes even at a more cost-effective price.
The Importance of Roofing Contractors To A Great Roof!
What matters much more than the brand name on the shingles is the roofing contractor who is hired to install them, regardless of brand.
Choosing the right residential roof contractor makes the most impact on any shingle and ensures that it performs the way the manufacturer says it will.
Some manufacturers even require their products to be installed by a qualified roofing contractor that has received specific training on their products before they will honor their warranties.
Well-respected roof contractors will also provide their own workmanship warranty and be willing to stand behind their work.
Roof Contractors Determine The Longevity of A Roof More Than The Shingles
Ultimately, a homeowner can purchase the best, most expensive, and long-lasting shingles being made, but unless they are installed by a skilled, well-trained roofing contractor, none of those details will matter much.
Worse yet, if the contractor does a poor job, this is not something the roofing manufacturer will cover, since materials warranties only cover defects but not problems relating to poor installations.
In these cases, even if the roofer agrees to redo the installation, the homeowner will be forced to pay for new shingles out of pocket.
Shingle or Roofer – Which Is More Important?
So is the shingle or the roofer more important?
Homeowners should always start their new roof project by first finding a skilled residential roof contractor and then go from there.
A qualified roof contractor who has a good local reputation will have access to shingles their customers want based on their style, performance features, and warranty, even if not by the exact brand name.